Education / Experience

2023/24  Photography Lab Tutor / Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 
2022/24   Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / Master Arts Plastiques    
2021/22    L’École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Nantes Saint-Nazaire 

2024   Corporeality / Art-Icon / Paris
2024   FRESH EYES Talents / Haut Photographie / Rotterdam 
2024   Regenerate / Noordelicht Photography / Groningen
2023   Le Super RDV / Galerie RDV  / Nantes  
2023   Appareil Psychique* / solo exhibition / SuperGalerie / Nantes  
2022   La Maison de L’Europe / Nantes
2021    Resilient Georgia / Gallery Fotografia / Tbilissi
2021    Every Woman Biennial / Superchief Gallery / New York
2020   Art&Freedom/Civil Rights at the times of Crisis / Friedrich Neumann Foundation / Tbilisi
2020   House Museum / Lagosphoto Festival 2020
2020   Hidden histories / In_Conversation_With

2023   Campus International / Les Promenades Photographiques / Blois, France 
2021    Imagined Realities / Tbilisi Online Biennial / Tbilisi, Georgia
2021    Art & Freedom / Civil Rights at the times of Crisis / Friedrich Naumann Foundation / Tbilisi, Georgia 

2024   FRESH EYES Talents 2024 / GUP Magazine
2022   CrousCulture / Création Étudiant / Lauréate régionale  
2022   Nikon NOOR Academy storytelling masterclass 
2021    IPA - International Photography Awards / Honorable mention
2021    Resilient Georgia (Fotografia Tbilisi & NATO)  / Finaliste
Publications & Features

2024  Spirituality #13 / Eyeshot Magazine
2024  FISHEYE mag
2024  FRESH EYES Talents 2024 / Conceptual
2024  ORIGINES / revue Macaroni / Macaroni Book 
2021   Territories of Intimacy, Social Choreographies / Performat Foundation  & Circe Platform 

2022   Nikon NOOR Academy masterclass / Paris, France
2021    MoMa / seeing through photographs
2020   Magnum Photos / photographic storytelling